No Disposals

Misleading the Public with Images

The National Library has deliberately used the photo below (redecorating the G.A. Library in 1971) to lead the public to believe that the termination of the International Collection is underway and entirely necessary. This image is given to us instead of the "answers" promised on the Access Library Learning page (immediately below). The image, furthermore, may give the impression that the termination of the international collection is part and parcel of regular everyday work (in this case, redecorating).

By using technology in this way, the National Library of NZ are not only censoring the "answers" promised, but subtly twisting the narrative, to the extent of deliberately disguising the truth, and misleading the public about the true proportions and implications of their actions.

When you click on the link you get an ERROR404 message with a photograph:

When you seek information about the photograph you are told:
it shows the redecoration of the General Assembly Library in 1971.
The expression of James Wilson has nothing to do with the current 2020-2023 crisis
of disposals and acquisitions at the National Library.